Each month, we email a bulletin to everyone who has signed up on this site. Below is the mailout that we sent in January 2021. If you like it, please sign up on our Get Involved section - you will be showing your support for our work and you will receive our free monthly bulletins a month before they appear here.
Hello, lovely subscribers! This month’s bulletin is relatively brief and has one chief purpose – to remind you that The Royal Parks’ survey on the traffic trial in Richmond Park closes in a matter of hours.
If you have yet to fill in the survey, please do so now using this link. It takes just a couple of minutes, and there is a small box on the third page where you can tell TRP in your own words how the trial has impacted your visits.
Use those 1,000 characters wisely, friends! Describe your own experiences, good and bad – and if you think completely eliminating through-traffic is a good idea, explain why with specific examples.
You can also email your views to movement.strategy@royalparks.org.uk.
And remember – we have written to TRP’s trustees to make sure that they listen to the view that through traffic should be eradicated in the park. Whatever permanent restrictions TRP decides upon will be announced in February, followed by roadworks to install permeable barriers reflecting the outcome of the Movement Strategy.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff and contractors of The Royal Parks, and all officers of the Metropolitan Police Royal Parks Team who, with scant resources and much pragmatism, have looked after the park during this most tumultuous year.
And our thanks, chiefly, to yourselves. The readership of these monthly missives has doubled this year, with many of you providing us with valuable ideas and information, including contributions to our Code of Conduct for riding on the park’s roads which is due to be published in the next few weeks. Rest assured that we will continue acting on your behalf and for everyone else who rides a bike in Richmond Park.
Finally, have a great New Year – and please note that the park will shut tonight at 8pm to prevent the spread of coronavirus and reopen at 6am tomorrow.
See you in 2021!
All the best,
Richmond Park Cyclists